Hard Drive Volume Is Not Accessible And Not Showing Data

Are you facing a situation where your hard drive volume is not accessible and not showing data? Let me help you out with that through this article, which has a list of the solutions to fix this situation.

Hard drives are a crucial part of a system, whether internal or external. We use them to save one of our most important data, and we would never want to lose it. But what if it becomes inaccessible? It is an article to figure out such a situation where you cannot access the data in your hard drive.

Causes for Hard Drive Volume Is Not Accessible And Not Showing Data

There can be numerous reasons that you cannot access your hard drive. Sometimes you might even be able to access your hard drive, but you might not see the data that you stored in it. Here is a list of the most common reasons that lead to such a situation.

  • Corrupt Hard Drive:When a hard drive is corrupt, the computer system cannot access it. It also leads you not to see or use the files stored in it.
  • Ownership Change:If the ownership of a hard drive is under someone else, you won’t be able to access a hard drive, and your system will not show the data to you.
  • Encryption of a Hard Drive: In case your hard drive has been encrypted to prevent unauthorized access, there is a chance that you won’t be able to access the hard drive along with the data.
  • Bad sectors on a Hard Drive: Bad sector on a hard drive is a permanently damaged storage unit in the hard drive that will also result in inaccessibility of it.
  • File system corruption: In case there was a glitch while you were saving your data on your hard drive, then that particular data can’t be accessible to you. 

How to fix When a Hard Drive is inaccessible to you?

Method 1: Install the latest Windows updates

There is a time-to-time release of the latest windows updates, and in case your computer system is not up to date, you might need to check for the same. If your hard drive is not supporting your current windows system, you would be required to upgrade your Windows. You can do the same by following the steps, which is mentioned below:

  • Click on the ‘windows’ icon and type, ‘check for updates’ in the search box.
  • Select ‘windows update’ from the list and mark the check box that says ‘check for updates’.
  •  If there are any available updates, you would need to install them in your computer system.
  • If your system prompts that you need to restart it, you should do it after installing the updates in your computer system.

Method 2: Run CHKDSK

CHKDSK is a tool used by the computer system to analyze the errors that might be on the hard drive, and it helps repair them. If a corrupt file is the reason that a hard drive is inaccessible, using this tool can help you fix that issue. You need to follow the steps that is mentioned below to get through the process:

  • Click on the ‘Windows’ icon, and then type ‘CHKDSK’ in the search box followed by pressing the ‘Enter’ key.
  • In the command prompt window that appears on the screen, you need to type ‘CHKDSK E: / f / r’, where ‘E’ is the volume’s name.

Method 3: Get ownership of the Hard Drive

In case ownership of the hard drive is the issue, then you would be required to use this method, which is mentioned below:

  • Right-click on the folder you wish to access and select ‘Properties’.
  • Navigate to ‘Security’ followed by ‘Advanced’ and then click on ‘Change’.
  • Now enter the administrator password for confirmation as asked.
  • Now enter the user’s name that you wish to transfer the ownership to and click on ‘Check Names’ followed by ‘OK’ once you find the right fit.
  • Save the changes and then try using your hard drive again.

What to do when no method works?

If all the methods mentioned above fail to gain access to your documents into the hard drive and you are still unable to access the data on it, you would be required to check for any physical damages. Since all the methods mentioned above are to fix software damages, you need exceptional help to fix the issue in case of any physical damage.

You can do this by approaching a professional hard drive recovery service provider like stellar. The mentioned data recovery service has been a renowned organization of recovering data for such clients since 1993. No matter what physical damage has hit your hard drive, they will be able to recover as much data on the drive as possible.


To conclude this article, all I would like to say is that if you find your hard drive under any physical damage, you can always approach stellar data recovery. With the help of their long experience and excellent team of lab technicians, they have been able to recover data from highly damaged hard drives. Not only that, but they can also recover data from other storage media such as hard drives, SD cards, laptops and more. Therefore, you can always go to them to get help on any kind of data recovery issue.